Wisdom Literature

¿No les corresponde conocer el derecho? Mq 3

Old Testament Prophecy / Deuteronomistic History / Prophets / Biblical Archaeology / Biblical Interpretation / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Dead Sea Scrolls / Paul / Prophets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament" / Ot / Old Testament Exegesis / Pentateuch / Micah / Pauline Letters / NT / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Dead Sea Scrolls / Paul / Prophets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament" / Ot / Old Testament Exegesis / Pentateuch / Micah / Pauline Letters / NT

P.Anaya Luengo- El hombre destinatario de los dones de Dios en el Qohélet

Qoheleth / Wisdom Literature / Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Book of Qoheleth

Rex excelsus qui scientiam diliget: la dimensión sapiencial de la Realeza alfonsí

History Of Political Thought (Political Science) / Wisdom / PHRONESIS / Medieval Literacy / Medieval Europe / Kingship (Medieval History) / Wisdom Traditions / Medieval Political Thought / Wisdom Literature / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Medieval Spain / Alfonso X el Sabio / Patronage of Arts and Education / Sapiential Theology / Medieval Castile / Sapiential Kingship / Medieval Political Theology / Literature and Culture In Medieval Spain / Kingship (Medieval History) / Wisdom Traditions / Medieval Political Thought / Wisdom Literature / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Medieval Spain / Alfonso X el Sabio / Patronage of Arts and Education / Sapiential Theology / Medieval Castile / Sapiential Kingship / Medieval Political Theology / Literature and Culture In Medieval Spain

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (Dec 2013)

Theology / Death Studies / New Testament / Biblical Studies / Biblical Theology / Biblical Interpretation / Luke-Acts / Wisdom Literature / Gospel of Luke / Wealth / Parables of Jesus / Parables / Biblical Interpretation / Luke-Acts / Wisdom Literature / Gospel of Luke / Wealth / Parables of Jesus / Parables

Los \"Mil proverbis\" de Ramon Llull en el marco de la tradición sapiencial a principios del siglo XIV

Catalan Studies / Medieval Studies / Proverbs / Ramon Llull / Medieval Catalan Literature / Wisdom Literature

Las éticas del exemplum: Los castigos del rey don Sancho IV, El conde Lucanor y el Libro de buen amor

Medieval Iberian Literature / Knowledge and Power / Wisdom Literature / Literature and Ethics / Exempla / Medieval Iberia / Libro de buen amor / Conde Lucanor / Don Juan Manuel / Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Literature / Exemplum / Discourse and Power / Exemplary Literacy Instruction / Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita / Exemplarity / Ethics and Morality / Sancho IV / Medieval Clerical Culture / Ejemplaridad / Power and Knowledge / Power and Discourse / Literatura peninsular, siglo XIII / Discursos Propagandísticos Del Poder / Literatura Ejemplar / Saber Y Poder / Los Castigos De Sancho IV / Siglos XII-XIV / Siglo XIV / Didactics (Ethics) / Medieval Iberia / Libro de buen amor / Conde Lucanor / Don Juan Manuel / Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Literature / Exemplum / Discourse and Power / Exemplary Literacy Instruction / Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita / Exemplarity / Ethics and Morality / Sancho IV / Medieval Clerical Culture / Ejemplaridad / Power and Knowledge / Power and Discourse / Literatura peninsular, siglo XIII / Discursos Propagandísticos Del Poder / Literatura Ejemplar / Saber Y Poder / Los Castigos De Sancho IV / Siglos XII-XIV / Siglo XIV / Didactics (Ethics)

(2005c), «[Recensión nº] 28. Ackerman, Jane, ocds. Elijah Prophet of Carmel. ICS Publications. Institute of Carmelite Studies [=ICS], Washington (D.C.) 2003. 294 pp., 14 x 21,5 cm.», Revista de Espiritualidad (Madrid). T. 64, nº 255, pp. 315-316.

Deuteronomistic History / Prophets / Biblical Archaeology / Biblical Interpretation / Bible / Prophetic religions / Carmelite nuns / Wisdom Literature / Prophetism / Books of the Twelve Prophets / Book Reviews / Book Review / Dead Sea Scrolls / Paul / Prophetic traditions / - Carmelitas Descalzos / Prophecy / Prophetic Activism / Prophets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament" / Ot / Hebrew Bible (esp. books of Samuel and Job; prophetic literature)) / Pentateuch / Prophetic books / Profetismo / Carmelite Spirituality / ELIJAH / Minor Prophets / Gospel of John, prophetic language and imagery, narrative structure / History of Carmelite Order / Carmelitas descalzos / Profetismo Cristiano / Carmelitani / Monte Carmelo / Recensione / Elijah, forerunner of the Messiah, Messianism / Former Prophets / History of Discalced Carmelites Order / Toward a Prophetic and Life-Oriented Ecclesiology for sub-Saharan Africa / Hebrew Prophets / Carmelite, Medicantes, Carmelite Midle Age / Intro to new edn. of Chronicle of the Carmelites / Recensión / Prophetic Literature / Pauline Letters / Prophetic tradition / Prophet / Profeta / Prophet Elijah / The Stages in the Collection and Presentation of Prophetic Writtings / Recensioni Libri / Recension / Prophetic Pragmatism / Recensão Crítica / Elijah the prophet / Prophetic rhetoric / Prophetic Dialogue / Elisha the Prophet / Prophetic Church / Prophetic Symbolic Acts / Carmelites / Prophetic Interpretation of the Bible / Prophetic Stories / Prophetic Witness / Eschatology, Elijah the Prophet, Epistle of James / Thomas of Jesus Carmelite / Carmelite Deserts / History, Religious Orders, Carmelites / Carmelite History & Origins / Carmel / Prophétisme / Prophetic Tradiitions / NT / Prophetic Medicine / Carmelite Spirituality; John of the Cross; Reformation / Prophetic Interpretation / Cancioneros Carmelitanos / Profetismo Bíblico / Prophetic Kabbalah / Prophetic Leadership / History of the Prophets and the Kings / Carmelite / Carmelitan History / Recherches Carmélitaines / Apostolic Reformation and Prophetic Restoration / Prophetic Communication / Prophetic Voice / Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Today / Prophetical Literature / Verdadeiros E Falsos Profetas / Como Reconhecer Os Falsos Profetas / Como Reconhecer Os Verdadeiros Profetas / O Evangelho e os verdadeiros profetas / Prophetic writing / Prophetic Images / Mission Carmel / Espiritualidad Carmelitana / The Prophetic Books / Ordinul Carmelitanilor Desculţi / Order of Discalced Carmelites / Chronicle of the Discalced Carmelites / Riforme Teresiane / Profetismo medievale / Prophetic signification / prophetic intrication of Scriptures / Ordem dos Carmelitas descalços / Carisma Teresiano / Carmelitas Descalços / Conventos Carmelitas Descalços / Desertos Carmelitas / eschatological role of Elijah / Carmelitan Monastery / Hermeneutics of prophetic visions / Desierto Carmelita / Carmen Descalzo / Rito Carmelitano / Profeta Elia / Speculum Carmelitanum / Profetas De Israel / Carmelo teresiano / Profetas de hoy / Prophetic Role / Arquitectura Carmelitana / Profetas / profetas menores / Monasterio de Carmelitas Descalzas / Carmelites of Mary Immaculate / anunciacion con santos y profetas / Profetas de la Biblia / Profetism / Prophetic religions / Carmelite nuns / Wisdom Literature / Prophetism / Books of the Twelve Prophets / Book Reviews / Book Review / Dead Sea Scrolls / Paul / Prophetic traditions / - Carmelitas Descalzos / Prophecy / Prophetic Activism / Prophets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament" / Ot / Hebrew Bible (esp. books of Samuel and Job; prophetic literature)) / Pentateuch / Prophetic books / Profetismo / Carmelite Spirituality / ELIJAH / Minor Prophets / Gospel of John, prophetic language and imagery, narrative structure / History of Carmelite Order / Carmelitas descalzos / Profetismo Cristiano / Carmelitani / Monte Carmelo / Recensione / Elijah, forerunner of the Messiah, Messianism / Former Prophets / History of Discalced Carmelites Order / Toward a Prophetic and Life-Oriented Ecclesiology for sub-Saharan Africa / Hebrew Prophets / Carmelite, Medicantes, Carmelite Midle Age / Intro to new edn. of Chronicle of the Carmelites / Recensión / Prophetic Literature / Pauline Letters / Prophetic tradition / Prophet / Profeta / Prophet Elijah / The Stages in the Collection and Presentation of Prophetic Writtings / Recensioni Libri / Recension / Prophetic Pragmatism / Recensão Crítica / Elijah the prophet / Prophetic rhetoric / Prophetic Dialogue / Elisha the Prophet / Prophetic Church / Prophetic Symbolic Acts / Carmelites / Prophetic Interpretation of the Bible / Prophetic Stories / Prophetic Witness / Eschatology, Elijah the Prophet, Epistle of James / Thomas of Jesus Carmelite / Carmelite Deserts / History, Religious Orders, Carmelites / Carmelite History & Origins / Carmel / Prophétisme / Prophetic Tradiitions / NT / Prophetic Medicine / Carmelite Spirituality; John of the Cross; Reformation / Prophetic Interpretation / Cancioneros Carmelitanos / Profetismo Bíblico / Prophetic Kabbalah / Prophetic Leadership / History of the Prophets and the Kings / Carmelite / Carmelitan History / Recherches Carmélitaines / Apostolic Reformation and Prophetic Restoration / Prophetic Communication / Prophetic Voice / Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Today / Prophetical Literature / Verdadeiros E Falsos Profetas / Como Reconhecer Os Falsos Profetas / Como Reconhecer Os Verdadeiros Profetas / O Evangelho e os verdadeiros profetas / Prophetic writing / Prophetic Images / Mission Carmel / Espiritualidad Carmelitana / The Prophetic Books / Ordinul Carmelitanilor Desculţi / Order of Discalced Carmelites / Chronicle of the Discalced Carmelites / Riforme Teresiane / Profetismo medievale / Prophetic signification / prophetic intrication of Scriptures / Ordem dos Carmelitas descalços / Carisma Teresiano / Carmelitas Descalços / Conventos Carmelitas Descalços / Desertos Carmelitas / eschatological role of Elijah / Carmelitan Monastery / Hermeneutics of prophetic visions / Desierto Carmelita / Carmen Descalzo / Rito Carmelitano / Profeta Elia / Speculum Carmelitanum / Profetas De Israel / Carmelo teresiano / Profetas de hoy / Prophetic Role / Arquitectura Carmelitana / Profetas / profetas menores / Monasterio de Carmelitas Descalzas / Carmelites of Mary Immaculate / anunciacion con santos y profetas / Profetas de la Biblia / Profetism

(2009i), «[Recensión nº] 75. Vidal, Senén. Iniciación a Pablo. Editorial Sal Terrae, Santander 2008. 184 pp., 11 x 19 cm.», Revista de Espiritualidad (Madrid). T. 68, nº 272, p. 270.

Biblical Studies / Pauline Literature / History Of The Bible/Biblical Canon / Biblical Theology / History of Biblical Interpretation / Deuteronomistic History / Prophets / Biblical Archaeology / Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Linguistics and Biblical Languages / Biblical Interpretation / Literary Approaches to Biblical Studies / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Paul of Tarsus / Pauline Theology / Biblical Exegesis / Pauline Chronology / Book Reviews / Biblical Greek / Book Review / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Dead Sea Scrolls / Paul / Biblical Studies, Pauline Epistles, First and Second Corinthians / Biblia / Pauline studies / San Pablo / Ot / Pentateuch / Pauline Ecclesiology / Greco-Roman Household as the Foundation for the Pauline Ekklesia / Institutionalization of the Church in the Pauline Corpus / Pauline Epistles / The Meaning and Significance of the Eucharist in the Pauline Writings / Biblical Hermeneutics / Pauline Theology, Theology: God and Creation / Pauline Theology, Romans, Baptism / Ignatius of Antioch, Paul of Tarsus, Sociology of early church / Pauline Ethics / Intertextuality and subjectivity in the Pauline epistles / Pauline Theology, Biblical Hermenutics / New Testament, Paul, Pauline Theology / Teologia biblica / Paolo Di Tarso / San Paolo / Saints Paul and Barnabas / Tarsus / Pauline / Biblical Exegesis, St Paul / Recensione / Worship in Pauline Churches / Sagrada Escritura San Pablo / Saint Paul / New Testament, Socio-Rhetoric Criticism, Pauline Usage of the Old Testament / Pablo de Tarso / Textual criticism of the Pauline corpus / Pauline Eschatology / Recensión / Pauline Letters / Authenticity of the Pauline Epistles / Pauline Understanding on Unemployment / History of Reception of Biblical Texts / Eschatology, Articles, Pauline Theology / Pauline and disputed Pauline literature / Recensioni Libri / Recension / Paul Rabbinic Exegesis / Roman Empire and Pauline Literature / Recensão Crítica / Ressurreição Corpórea Da Teologia Paulina / Discurso imagético paulino em I Corinto / Pauline Christology / New Testament, Early Christianity, Resurrection. Pauline Literature... / Book Recension / IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SAINT PAUL / Early Christianity, Pauline exegesis, Marcion / Espiritualidad del apóstol según San Pablo / Pauline Theology of the Church's Social Responsibility / Pauline Thought / Les études Sur L'Oeuvre De Saint Paul / Corpus Paulinum / Corpus Paulinun / Demograph of Tarsus / Education In Tarsus / Exegeis of Pauline Literature / Pauline Letters (Philemon) / NT / Pauline Authorship / Critical Discuss on the Pauline Literature on Romans and Galatians / Sagrada Escritura San PabloAnthropology / Cartas Paulinas / Pauline Extracanonical Literature / Pauline Adoption as another Salvation Term / Rhetoric of Pauline Letters / Pauline Hermeneutics / Epigramma Paulini / Paolo Di Tarso: Archeologia / Pauline Spirituality / Paulo de Tarso / Epístolas de San Pablo / Pauline messianism / Paul and Pauline Studies / Pauline and Lucan writings / Pauline Anthropology / Paull of Tarsus / Pauline discourse religious / Teologia Paulina / Antropologia Paulina / Argumentación paulina / Pauline cycle / Deuteronomistic History / Prophets / Biblical Archaeology / Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Linguistics and Biblical Languages / Biblical Interpretation / Literary Approaches to Biblical Studies / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Paul of Tarsus / Pauline Theology / Biblical Exegesis / Pauline Chronology / Book Reviews / Biblical Greek / Book Review / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Dead Sea Scrolls / Paul / Biblical Studies, Pauline Epistles, First and Second Corinthians / Biblia / Pauline studies / San Pablo / Ot / Pentateuch / Pauline Ecclesiology / Greco-Roman Household as the Foundation for the Pauline Ekklesia / Institutionalization of the Church in the Pauline Corpus / Pauline Epistles / The Meaning and Significance of the Eucharist in the Pauline Writings / Biblical Hermeneutics / Pauline Theology, Theology: God and Creation / Pauline Theology, Romans, Baptism / Ignatius of Antioch, Paul of Tarsus, Sociology of early church / Pauline Ethics / Intertextuality and subjectivity in the Pauline epistles / Pauline Theology, Biblical Hermenutics / New Testament, Paul, Pauline Theology / Teologia biblica / Paolo Di Tarso / San Paolo / Saints Paul and Barnabas / Tarsus / Pauline / Biblical Exegesis, St Paul / Recensione / Worship in Pauline Churches / Sagrada Escritura San Pablo / Saint Paul / New Testament, Socio-Rhetoric Criticism, Pauline Usage of the Old Testament / Pablo de Tarso / Textual criticism of the Pauline corpus / Pauline Eschatology / Recensión / Pauline Letters / Authenticity of the Pauline Epistles / Pauline Understanding on Unemployment / History of Reception of Biblical Texts / Eschatology, Articles, Pauline Theology / Pauline and disputed Pauline literature / Recensioni Libri / Recension / Paul Rabbinic Exegesis / Roman Empire and Pauline Literature / Recensão Crítica / Ressurreição Corpórea Da Teologia Paulina / Discurso imagético paulino em I Corinto / Pauline Christology / New Testament, Early Christianity, Resurrection. Pauline Literature... / Book Recension / IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SAINT PAUL / Early Christianity, Pauline exegesis, Marcion / Espiritualidad del apóstol según San Pablo / Pauline Theology of the Church's Social Responsibility / Pauline Thought / Les études Sur L'Oeuvre De Saint Paul / Corpus Paulinum / Corpus Paulinun / Demograph of Tarsus / Education In Tarsus / Exegeis of Pauline Literature / Pauline Letters (Philemon) / NT / Pauline Authorship / Critical Discuss on the Pauline Literature on Romans and Galatians / Sagrada Escritura San PabloAnthropology / Cartas Paulinas / Pauline Extracanonical Literature / Pauline Adoption as another Salvation Term / Rhetoric of Pauline Letters / Pauline Hermeneutics / Epigramma Paulini / Paolo Di Tarso: Archeologia / Pauline Spirituality / Paulo de Tarso / Epístolas de San Pablo / Pauline messianism / Paul and Pauline Studies / Pauline and Lucan writings / Pauline Anthropology / Paull of Tarsus / Pauline discourse religious / Teologia Paulina / Antropologia Paulina / Argumentación paulina / Pauline cycle

Moisés y Elías hablan con Jesús. Pentateuco y libros históricos: de su composición a su recepción en el Nuevo Testamento

Deuteronomistic History / Prophets / Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah / Biblical Archaeology / Books of Samuel / Book of Genesis / Biblical Interpretation / Pentateuchal Theory / Deuteronomy / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Genesis 1-11 / Torah/Pentateuch / Leviticus / 1 Maccabees / Exodus / Book of Esther / Dead Sea Scrolls / Book of Judges / Paul / Book of Judith / Pentateuchal Studies / Book of Joshua / Ot / Book of Ruth / Genesis / Pentateuch / Book of Exodus / Deuteronomic Literature and Law / 1 Maccabees; 2 Maccabees / 1 Maccabees; 2 Maccabees; Daniel / Chronicles / Book of Numbers / Interpretations of Genesis 1-3 / Book of Kings / Pentateuch Studies / Book of Leviticus / Old Testament - Pentateuch / Book of Tobit / Pauline Letters / 1 and 2 Samuel / Pentateuch/Torah / Pentateuco / Composition of the Pentateuch / Estudiosdel Antiguo Testamento / Antiguo Testamento / NT / Paul interpretación antiguo testamento / Book of Genesis / Biblical Interpretation / Pentateuchal Theory / Deuteronomy / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Genesis 1-11 / Torah/Pentateuch / Leviticus / 1 Maccabees / Exodus / Book of Esther / Dead Sea Scrolls / Book of Judges / Paul / Book of Judith / Pentateuchal Studies / Book of Joshua / Ot / Book of Ruth / Genesis / Pentateuch / Book of Exodus / Deuteronomic Literature and Law / 1 Maccabees; 2 Maccabees / 1 Maccabees; 2 Maccabees; Daniel / Chronicles / Book of Numbers / Interpretations of Genesis 1-3 / Book of Kings / Pentateuch Studies / Book of Leviticus / Old Testament - Pentateuch / Book of Tobit / Pauline Letters / 1 and 2 Samuel / Pentateuch/Torah / Pentateuco / Composition of the Pentateuch / Estudiosdel Antiguo Testamento / Antiguo Testamento / NT / Paul interpretación antiguo testamento

El sentido de la vida! Reflexión filosófica y humorística en la literatura sapiencial mesopotámica\"

Assyriology / Ancient Religion / Mesopotamian Religions / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Near East / Ancient Near Eastern Languages / Akkadian / Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East / Sumerian & Akkadian literature / Wisdom Literature / Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Akkadian Literature, History of Religious Concepts / Ancient Near Eastern Religions / Biblical Wisdom literature / Akkadian and Sumerian literature / Ancient Near Eastern Languages / Akkadian / Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East / Sumerian & Akkadian literature / Wisdom Literature / Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Akkadian Literature, History of Religious Concepts / Ancient Near Eastern Religions / Biblical Wisdom literature / Akkadian and Sumerian literature

\"Formas locucionales prepositivas en los libros y colecciones de sentencias castellanas del siglo XIII\"

Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics) / Medieval Spanish Literature / Phraseology / Wisdom Literature

\"Los procesos de derivación locucional en el continuum discursivo de la literatura medieval de castigos\"

Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics) / Medieval Spanish Literature / Phraseology / Wisdom Literature

M. Ceravolo, 5th April 2017, \"Being wise: the concept of wisdom through Mesopotamian and Greek literatures\" - I Congreso Internacional CNERU. Jóvenes Investigadores. Oriente - Occidente. Transferencias Culturales en la Cuenca Mediterránea (4-5 abril 2017)

Wisdom / Sumerian & Akkadian literature / Wisdom Literature / Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Akkadian Literature, History of Religious Concepts / Akkadian and Sumerian literature
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